Wall Calendar Back Cover

Wall Calendar Back Cover

If you are ordering a wall calendar please also use this product to design your back cover. Choose from a single back cover image, thumbnails of your calendar images , or a completely blank slate for your back cover. There is no charge for the back cover, which must accompany a wall calendar order.

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Wall Calendar Extra Page

Wall Calendar Extra Page

If you are ordering a wall calendar and do not wish to use the extra month at the end of that calendar, you can use this product to design your own extra page. Choose from a full-page year-at-a-glance calendar, a half-page year-at-a-glance with customizable top page, or a completely blank slate for your extra page. There is no charge for the extra page, which must accompany a wall calendar order and will be used to replace the last page (extra month page) from your wall calendar design.

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